Robotek Android and iOS Apple game app APK review


Robotek game app review android game app download screenshots Robotek

App name: Robotek
Game genre: Strategy
Game available on: Android
App download link: Android

Hexage comes with one of the most awesome Android games I've ever had the chance of playing called Robotek. In Robotek you play luck-based games, but there's also a little strategy to make the gamer feel more victorious after winning. There's three categories of slots that you can spin, the first are the robots, which is basically your robot army and they consist of a defensive bot, an offensive bot and a mixture of the two. Each robot has its own set of stats and even skills that can be upgraded. Things like critical hits, rapid fire and attack blocking really give this game a whole new depth of gameplay.

Robotek game app review android game app download screenshots Robotek

Then there's the second category, which is, to say it simple, your "buff" section. Here you can hack your enemies robots, put up a firewall shelter to block damage and energy tap - Decreasing the damage of your opponent and giving it to your own. The last category is your special attack section, when you've set up enough of a defense you can blast away here. Now each turn you can spin the slots of one category, but if you get three of the same kind of reward you'll gain an extra turn. 

Now when you start playing and you've practiced your strategies enough in the campaign mode, you can start battling other players. There's leaderboards, statistics and strategies that can be viewed here too, so every game of Robotek you play will add up to your records. If you're looking for a new game app that doesn't take too much time to get into, go with Robotek. This game is really amazing, addicting and overwhelmingly refreshing in the perspective of innovation.