Mini Game Paradise Android and Apple Game App APK review guide cheats hacks

Tags: Mini game paradise, characters, games, cheats, hacks, guide, review

Mini Game Paradise Android and Apple Game App APK review guide cheats hacks

App name: Mini Game Paradise
App genre: Mini games, action, simulation
Available for: Android, Apple
Download link: Android / Apple

Mini Game Paradise, as the name suggests, is a mini game app for both Android and Apple. The game consists of multiple mini games for you to enjoy, each controlled by tapping the screen in various ways. The game has lots of unlockables, like new characters and items. You can use these items in a tamagotchi-like way to boost your characters statistics. The mini games are really quite fun to play and the cute, quirky graphics keep you coming back for more. If you like colorful graphics and enjoy playing mini games you should definitely check this game out.